Birthday and Name for Chinese
1 min readBirthday and Name
Date of birth is more than just a date in China.Each date is special in terms of Chinese horoscope,Chinese zodiac and Chinese calendar.
Ancient Chinese fortunetellers claimed that they could see a person’s personality and fate if given the birthday.Depending on when the baby is born,parents have to follow certain rules when choosing a baby girl name or baby boy name.

Baby Name and Genealogy
Thoughi not as important as in ancient times,genealogy still plays an important role in many families in China.Last names are always maintained in Chinese family trees,while middle names are the same for mem-bers of the same generation.You may imagine that the genealogy is a ba-by name list of the full names of ancestors and current family members,and last and middle names of offspring(future babies).

Baby Name Meaning
In terms of baby name meaning,Chinese pay equal attention to popu-lar baby names and unique baby names.On one hand,the name reflects the family background and the expectation of parents,so it tends to be unique;on the other hand,the name reflects the historical traits of the society at a particular time.Many Chinese born in the 1960s were named as Weiguo which means“to guard the country”or Xiangdong which means “to face the East”.The baby name meaning stamps the name with characteristics of a specific time:nationalism and cult of personality.