2008 Beijing Olympic Games
2 min readImage Elements of the Beijing 2008 01ympic Games
The 0lympic Symbol
The 0lympic symbol consists of five interlaced rings of equal dimensions(the 0lympic rings),used alone,in one or in five different colours,which are,from left to right,blue,yellow,black,green and red.

The 0lympic Emblem
Every emblem of the 0lympics tells a story.The Beijing 2008 0lympic Games emblem“Chinese Seal,Dancing Beijing”is filled with Beijing’s hospitality and hopes,and carries the city’s commitment to the world.
The Slogan of the Beijing 2008 0lympic and Paralympic Games “One World One Dream”fully reflects the essence and the universal values of the 0lympic spirit-Unity,Friendship,Progress,Harmony,Participation and Drealm.
The Official Mascots of the Beijing 2008 0lympic Games Like the Five 0lympic Rings from which they draw their color and inspiration,Fuwa will serve as the Official Mascots of Beijing 2008 0lympic Games,carrying a message of friendship and peace-and blessings from China-to children all over the world.

Beijing Builds Energy-saving Projects for 2008
Beijing has initiated a number of projects using solar energy and recycled water for the 2008 0lympic Games,said an official from the Beijing 0lympic Organizing Committee.
A 6000-square metre solar heating system funded partly by Italy is currently under construction.It will provide hot water for 16000 athletes and save 2000 tons of coal a year.
Other projects include a heating and cooling project for a 410000-square metre building that uses recycled water.It is the largest of its kind in China and is expected to save 6000 tons of coal a year.
Beijing 0lympic village will have a 500-kilowatt solar power station and use motor vehicles that have zero or low emissions.Three hundred low-emission engines have already been installed in Beijing buses.