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Home to longjing Tea-Longjing village

3 min read

Longjing Village, “the number one tea-producing village,’ is famous around the world because it produces large quantities of high-quality West lake long jing tea. West Lake Longing tea, known as the queen of green teas, is number one among the top ten tea varieties of China. It comes in five varieties according to production locality: lion, dragon, cloud, tiger, and mulberry West lake longjing tea has served as a gift and refreshment for friends for a long time, and has become a bridge of friendship in international exchange and a staple at state banquets.

The soil is very fertile in the area of Longjing Village, which is surrounded by mountain peaks and lush forests. The excellent geographical environment and quality water source provide unique natural conditions for tea production. Thanks to the mountain streams and precipitation of the area, longjing tea has been given the honorary title of “number one tea of China for its green color, excellent aroma, great taste and good appearance.

Longjing Village is located in the Hangzhou West lake tourist zone bordering Xizi lal on the east, Wuyun mountain to the west, the eastward surging Qiantang River to the south and the cloud-scraping peaks of the north-south range of mountains to the north. th village is surrounded by fog-enshrouded mountains and resembles a green jewel embedded in the shore of Xizi lake, a prime example of a picturesque village. The village is rich in scenic and photographic tourist attractions such as Imperial Tea Orchard, Hugong Temple and old Dragon Well, lending a strong cultural atmosphere to this tea-growing area.

Home to longjing Tea-Longjing village

The West lake longjing tea-growing region is rich in cultural heritage. during theprocess of building a new socialist countryside, Longjing Village has adhered to a principle of “minimum interference, preservation of the original flavor and environmental for local conditio respected the wishes of local residents and adopted measures appropriate concerns first tained the original appear herever possible. The new Longjing Village is a concise combination of Chinese spring culture, tea culture and Buddhist culture. After renovation of the village, the beauty of the mountain streams and forests once again comprise the mountain scenery of brooks and streams in Longjing Vill and the classical beauty of the buildings is an ideal place for tourists to once again sthe mountain scenery and appearance of the homes of the local tea growers along the road winding up the mountain peaks alongside springs and streams.

The homes in Longjing Village are built along the contour of the mountain so they are at all different heights. The teahouses of the local residents have plastered walls with black tile roofs and are unique in style. The streets of the village are clean and neat and the scenery is very picturesque, drawing streams of tourists. The flat roofs were al converted to sloping black tile roofs and the doors have all been changed to baked enamelaluminum doors with wooden frames on doors and windows. The outer walls of buildings were also painted with a unified color scheme. At a high point at the entrance to the village they erected a memorial archway 7.9 meters wide and 9 meters tall with the three characters spots, and public facilities of the village. These improvements have helped Longiinl p. Qs in for Longjing Village written at the top. In addition, the village has erected four sign four different languages for the convenience of tourists to explain the history, scer Village become more attractive to tourists in the West lake scenic area.

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