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The impact of the development of education on culture and art

2 min read

The influence of the developmentof culture education career to the perspective transformation of culture and art

The mature development of science and technology has brought an integrated and developed situation of visual view of international unification and diversified visual culture development. The progress of the education career makes the modern ideological system win support among the people, and makes it better widely understood and used in society. The unique cultural tradition around the world has been reacquainted and cited by modern

The new modern design art is endowed with new artistic vitality and appeal, and demonstrates remarkable artisticbrilliance after the development and recombination to traditional culture by artists. Both the modern art design and modern painting art are showing the infinite spirit charm brought by the combination of science and art, which brings infinite goods to our real life.

We can explain the design art from the following several specific examples. For example:”The Olympicbid logo”of Beijing Olympic Games designed by Han Meilin, the integrated use of the graphic symbol Tai Chi of Chinese traditional philosophy and the international Olympic image features conveys the communication between Chinese civilization and the world civilization.

The emblem of the Beijing Olympic Games combines Chinese seal with modern graphic language, accurately, conveys the international visual language relatively. From the above graphic creative expression, we can see that the free brush strokes of perceptual Chinese calligraphy displays the graph form with international modern visual effect. The combination of movement, freedom and human feelings fully embodies thecontemporary popular artistic idea.

In the three-dimensional space design case, the Beijing Olympic Stadium”the Bird’s Nest”designed by Swiss designer Pierre de Meuron, makes “reasonable integration of modern bionic image and modern high-tech materials, and creates classic works filled with post-modern art spirit. In addition, China Suzhou Museum, designed by a Chinese American, the famous designer leoh Ming Pei, emphasizes that the modern state is a continuation and development of the traditional ideas, combining traditional Chinese southern water village residential buildings and Chinese ink painting with western modern art design in order to create a wonderful peerless artistic effect.

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