A famous Rose Wedding in Shanghai
2 min readA Scene from a rose wedding on Shanghai’s Huaihai Road, October 05, 2008 A Solid Melody- Residence in Shanghai.

In the process of Shanghai’s urbanization, many profound changes have taken place in people’s basic necessities. Among these, housing is an issue strictly related to people’s livelihood, and is one of the best reflections of the state of urban life. From 1950s, after the foundation of the republic, residen-tial types shifted from Western-style houses and townhouses, early 20th century Shikumen houses,lane houses ding and low-rise compounds, to farmer’ communities,worker’s compounds as well as the high-rise complexes After reform and opening, housing gain. This is a change not only in vertical and horizontal development of Sha out also an evolutionary development of urban, ideologi-cal, spiritual an been three big residential “revolutions”over the 160 years since Shanghaiopened d-19th century to the Liberation of Shanghaiin 1949. Not long after the port was opened, the rapid expansion of settlements and trade de.velopment led to a fase in the number of immigrants and expatriates who came to settle down in Shanghai, where they built number of simple, Western-style houses for their own use. Meanwhile harassed by peasant upr gs in the neighboring counties of Shanghai as well as Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, business owners, local gentry and farmer laborers als anghai’s foreign set-tlements. The population of Shanghai’s urban area increased dramatically, from 300,000 to 500,000.

The overcrowding caused the first property development fever in Shanghai. Opium trading companies,such as Old Sassoon Matheson and Jardine Matheson, started to invest in real estate. They built a large number of wooden town houses, and made impressive profits. In the early 20th century, the style of Shanghai residences was gradually transformed from courtyard-style, single-family houses, to low-rise, high-density residences. Until 1930s, Shikumen houses, lane houses, apartment buildings were the main residences among Shanghai locals and company employees, whereas the rich businessmen chose to build and live in private mansions in sparsely populated western Shanghai.during the period from the founding of the People’s 1978 when housing system was based on gov-ernmen dential areas were called Residential larte partment buildings.lion square meters of new houses were built, increa such allocations, the government solved the ita living space increasing from 3.9 squanstruction from the Government al-leviated Shan Reform and Opening started and has lasted for 30 years unase of recovery and witnessed rapid developmen and reconstruction, development of metro transportation of , all of these have brought Shan ented scale. Vast numbers of high-rises, suburb apartments, and dual-use residential and commercial apartments ased from over 80 million square 340 million square meters in 2000. In over merely 21 years, the a genvironment un-derwent tremst consumer goods among Shanghainese peopased apartments increased from 8.9 percent in 1990 to 93 entin 2000 the real estate market. At the same time, establishment a gsecurity systems and the introduction of low-rent, low-cost hou housing conditions of low-income groups in Shanghai.