A New Policy about Agriculture in China
2 min readWith China emerging as the global economic power and becoming a major global focus,the Government of Canada is in the process of developing a five-year comprehensive approach to engaging China as a strategic partner.Part of the strategy is the ongoing signing of a Canada-China Agreement on Science and Technology Cooperation.

Building a new countryside to tackle problems facing agriculture,rural areas and farmers is the highest priority of the Chinese Central Government,with itsstrategic task outlined in its Eleventh Five-Year Plan,newly released in March 2006.This new policy will activate agricultural and rural development in China and provide further opportunities for Canada-China collaborations as part of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada(AAFC)’s own Science and Innovation Strategy for the 21st century.China has also achieved scientific and technological developments,placing an emphasis on innovation in its national strategy as outlined in the Guidelines of the State Council in February 2006.Meanwhile in the drive to national modernization,environmental protection in China has been of great concern to the Chinese government and the world.

With the above opportunities as well as challenges,AAFC and its Chinese partners in science and technology will be holding a series of science and innovation events in China in the fall of 2006.These events will showcase Canadianagriculture and agri-food achievements in China,brand Canada,seek further mutuallybeneficial alliances,promote bi-lateral trade and set a path to a bright future by specifically targeting innovation.
The main event in the series will be the Canada-China Agri-Science&InnovationPavilion,which will be featured from November 5th-9th,2006,in Yangling,China,in con junction with the China Agricultural High-Tech Fair(CAF),the most comprehensive agricultural exposition in China.
AAFC is seeking partnerships with other Canadian and Chinese departments,universities and industries to participate in these Canada-China cooperative events.