A panorama sketch of the”Shanghai Street”
1 min readChinese acrobats performing at 1933 Chicago Expo The 1933 World’s Century of Progress”. The theme wameant to commemorate the 100. This was also the first fair to have independent corporate pavilions, and the format of the exg the urban appearance of different countriesin a isitors. Among them, China’s “Shanghai Street”occupied an area of 36,000 square feet and inclourth from right) 1150 cures on China were given daily. Totally some 1876 Established in 1897, the Commercial Press was the first modern publishing organization in China and has been one of the most enthusiastic promoters and participants in world expositio ons. It has not only published numerous books about the expositions, but also exhibited many of it ple, at the 1911 London Publishers World’s Fair, it woific International Ex-position it won awards for its copper electroplating and apparatus.