A superb treat
2 min readFor many visiting China their first foray into the world of water therapy is the sauna.These establishments are everywhere in China’s big cities and small ones alike.
The Sauna Gateway
For many visiting China their first foray into the world of water therapy is the sauna.

These establishments are everywhere in China’s big cities and small ones alike.Most high-end hotels have them and many large scale sauna complexes are in the downtown areas frequented by tourists.These establishments from the outside largely resemble multi-story hotels and are just as popular as many of the local night clubs.On the weekend they are filled with people ranging from small groups to large families and cater to all demographics.You can even find them attached to large shopping malls.It seems as if the sauna is the Chinese equivalent to a social club.

It is not uncommon after a big dinner for someone to suggest going to a sauna to round out the evening.After spending more time in China I spent more time going to sauna clubs.I visited clubs that catered to families complete with play areas for kids,clubs that offered stage shows,clubs that offered KTV or karaoke rooms,and clubs where you could even spend the night.Many times after a late night out I would visit a sauna and after a steam would end falling asleep in the relaxation room only to wake a few hours later with a blanket draped over me and warm cup of tea at my side.

From my own limited experience as just a traveler in China,it became clear why adding the concepts of hot springs to this mix of amenities on offer has made that particular style of spa resort so attractive not only to locals but to tourists alike.Liaoning,with its abundant hot springs resources has gone one step beyond the traditional sauna experience in China and created something special.In Liaoning,saunas have been revamped into fully developed resorts and day spas that offer far more health options and other amenities unique to the area.