A Zun Wine Vessel with the Heads of Four Goats Carved on It
1 min readZun is an important variety of bronze wine vessels.The representative masterpiece,the square zun carved with four sheep heads unearthed from Hunan, is a bronze ware of Shang Dynasty.The article measures over half meter and looks magnificent.The body of the zun is square and straight in design,with eight strips of arris.Each of the four corners of the zun belly is carved with a protruding bust of a curly-horn goat which adds to the diversity of the image of the article.

The choulders of the goats are decorated with the pattern of great birds. hiethe foot parts are carved in relief with ringed feet.Though only the upper part of each goat is carved,it presents to be a complete whole.The article,giving off a strong itchery appeal with its intriguing patterns,is presumed to be a musical instrument used by the wizard during the sacrifice.