According to preservation time: raw tea and old tea
2 min readWe have learned about raw tea, but what is old tea? Most buyers of naturally fermented tea will ask tea sellers for “old tea.
People call the raw tea preserved for a period of time bydifferent names, which often leads to confusion. We often come across confusing conversation such as”Is this old tea?”
“No, it is raw tea.””Is it? But is it fermented!””Oh, this is five-year raw tea!””Oh, fiveyear old tea!”…

Some people call all the Pu-erh tea preserved for a certain period of time”old tea; some call naturally preserved Pu-erh tea (and other post-fermented dark tea)”old tea”and preservedprocessed tea”old preserved tea; and still others call all the naturally preserved tea”raw tea,”irrespective of the fact that it has been preserved for 3 years or 10 years. Be it raw or ripe, within a certain period of time, its quality will not degrade, rather slightly improve and become better. This is the biggest difference between Pu-erh tea and other kinds of tea.
For other kinds of tea,”old preserved tea”‘ is the blanket name for old, outdated and stale tea. Except for some types of Pu-erh tea, Oolong tea and black tea, other types of tea are considered better and more valuable when fresh. These typesof tea cannot endure time. After only one year, they become
“old preserved tea,”when the dry tea loses color and becomes dry. This is especially true of green tea, which turms from green to yellow or brown and loses fragrance if stored for long.

When the tea is brewed, its fragrance is light and impure. The tea liquid is dark, tastes stale and weak. The soaked leaves are dark yellow and twisted. Because the “old preserved tea”is stale and tastes bad, people prefer fresh tea. When referring to Pu-erh tea avoid using the term “old preserved tea;” say “preserved tea.”