According to the number of material types: single material and assorted materials
2 min readIn the past, considering its cost and flavor, while com-pressing, the tender and well-preserved tea leaves were put at the bottom of the cotton bags and the tea leaves of lower quality were put on top. The tea cakes compressed in this wayhad clear and well-distributed stripes on one surface to makethem look better. There was a distinct difference between the contents and the surface. Sometimes such tea cakes contained three to four layers of leaves of different qualities. In the past, this tea was produced mainly to lower prices.
Tea cakes from tender leaves

Tea cakes with thick and strong leaves Today, in addition to the Pu-erh tea made from a single material, there is also tea made from raw materials of different grades. The reasons for the latter are threefold. First, to high-light the thick striations of the big-leaf tea. Secondly, to lever-age the quality and taste of different kinds of Pu-erh tea. For example, the tender tea leaves and coarse and old tea leaves compressed together in layers giving different taste, such as freshness, sweetness, mellowness and richness. Thirdly, to sell poor-quality tea at a high price. For example, raw tea not stored for long and artificially fermented tea are compressedtogether to simulate the taste and color of the tea naturally fermented for 3 -5 years and sell it at a premium. Assortment is a traditional way to enrich the quality of Pu-erh tea. There are professionals for such assortment who can make assorted tea cake based on the characteristics and qualities of sun-baked green crude tea of different ages and grades. Such assorted tea is bright red in color with a mellow taste.