Anyuan Miner Movement Memorial Museum
2 min readToday we are going to visit Anyuan Miner Movement Memorial Museum.This display building was put into construction in 1968.

and opened to the public on Jan.1,1970.The area of structure reaches 3,000 square kilometers.The whole display building consists of one entrance hall and seven cells,which systematically presents the Anyuan Miner Movement between 1921 and 1930.

Now,let’s get in.Here is the entrance hall.In the middle is a sculpture.
which is 3.2 meters high and 2.3 meters wide.The sculpture presents the scene thatrailway workers are handing signal lamps and coal miners are holding rock horns.It suggests the stoutness and resolution of the workers.On both sides of the sculpture are derricks of the coal mine and signal flags of the railroad.Their co-occurrence shows the unity and indivisibility of Anyuan Coal Mine and Zhuzhou-Pingxiang Railway.

Behind the sculpture is a large painting about the Anyuan Miner Movement.It is 6 meters high and 17.53 meters wide.In the painting you can see the sites of Anyuan Coal Mine Gangway,Negotiation Building,Miners’Club and Zhangjiawan Military Conference.Besides,it pictures the scene when Hanzhiping Iabour Union was founded.From the painting you can sense the unity and resistance-of the workers at that time.The painting also portrays some characters such as workers,farmers,and intellectuals.In terms of the color,it takes the tone of red in black.In this wav the warm atmosphere of the movement gets strengthened.

On the left wall of the entrance hall is”Anyuan Miners’Club Song”.It is 1.9 meters high and 2.7 meters wide.On the right is“Xijiangyue-The Autumn Harvest Uprising”by Mao Zedong.Through the design,the architect intends to show the inevitable trend and consequence of Anyuan Miner Movement.