Aparadise for outdoor sports
1 min readJune 14, 2016 saw the successful soft opening of the Shanghai-Moganshan Tourist Air Line.The hour”transport network. The opening of the line also heralds a new chapter in the short-distance passenger transport capability of Deqing Airport and promises to make Deqing and its Moganshan area a more accessible leisure destination for future holidaymakers. Unique scenic charm apart,
Deqing also has lots of new offerings for outdoor sports enthusiasts.
The world’s first Discovery extreme sports base
The world’s first of its kind, this sports base offers an array of facilities that promises to bring a thrilling experience of extreme sports to sport enthusiasts from all over the country. The sports centre is not only the new calling card of Deqing but also a symbol of the enduring “Moganshan spirit”.
“The Most Beautiful Cycling Track”

Dubbed “the most beautiful cycling track, this meandering route is set in a picturesque backdrop of lush bamboo and pine tree forests in one of the country’s most coveted scenic areas and has drawn a cult following.
Moganshan National Mountaineering Footpath

Certified by the Mountaineering Management Office of the General Administration of Sports of China in October of 2014, it is the first mountaineering footpath built to meet the highest standards of the country, offering a first-class sport and leisure destination for outdoor sports enthusiasts and health-conscious hikers.