2 min readServes 4.
Preparation & cooking time: about 30–40 mins.
This is a very popular ‘one-plate dish’ served in Cantonese restaurants. The ingredients vary according to the chef’s whims or seasonal availabilities.

115g (4oz) prepared squid
about 50g (2oz) each of fresh pork, chicken, kidney and liver
2 teaspoons thick cornflour paste
about 115g (4oz) each of cooked duck, crispy pork and Char Siu
175g (6oz) vegetables, such as Chinese leaves or mange-tout or French beans
3 tablespoons seasoned oil
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon soft brown sugar
1 tablespoon light soy sauce
1 teaspoon Chinese rice wine (optional)
8–12 ready-made fish balls
about 4 tablespoons stock
a few drops of sesame oil
450g (1lb) boiled rice

Prepare the squid as for Deep-fried Squid on page 82. Cut the pork, kidney and liver into small thin slices, coat them with about half of the cornflour paste. Cut the cooked meats into small bite-size pieces. Prepare the vegetables by cutting the Chinese leaves into small pieces (top and tail the mange-tout or French beans, if using instead of Chinese leaves).
Heat the oil in a preheated wok, and stir-fry the vegetables for 1 minute,then add the raw meats and squid with the salt, sugar, soy sauce and wine, blend well and add the cooked meats and fish balls with the stock, bring to the boil and stir-braise for about 1 more minute. Finally, thicken the gravy with the remaining cornflour paste, garnish with sesame oil and serve on a bed of hot boiled rice.
NB This ‘dressing’ (meats with vegetables) can be served with either Chow Mein or Noodles in Soup.