Auspicious Stowod Boan Curd,Think and Act as You Like lt
2 min read
Nanjing is an ancient capital city with a long history. Citirens of Nanjine j are immersed in the city’s cultural deposits. They would like to and feel the need to taste and remember as well is enjoy the snacks culturally.

Setting the commonly seen stewed bean curd as an example,we take it for aranted that it is simple.But it is surprisingly connected with Zhu yuanzhang, founding Emperor of Ming Dynasty when we look up for some information. According to the book,Zhu Yuanzhang enjoyed every delicious food with meat or fish after he took throne in Jinling(the former name of Nanjing)and finally he was bored with the delicacies of all kinds in the Palace.One day he disguised himself as a citizen and went out of the Palace.Witnessing the golden brown bean curd in a snack bar,he was in good appetite immediately.

The Emperor took out a silver ingot to buy one bowl of bean curd.The bar keeper thought he was a rich gentleman and wanted to make more money out rt the Emperor.So he boiled the bean curd in the chicken soup and added small ainount of soybean sprouts and some condiments.When the bean curd was uoied soft and fragrant,the bar keeper served the Emperor with great respect.Zhu nuanzhang couldn’t say more words but praise the wonderful taste again and again.
Since then,bean curd was all the rage for a time and the story was told among pie till today.The reason whv it is called Auspicious Bean Curd is that peopie In Nanjing usually add soybean sprouts which resembles the shape of the auspicious me.Having the dish,it will bring vou good luck and auspiciousness.