The concept of Yin and Yang underlies both traditional Chinese philosophy and traditional Chinese medicine. Observing that all natural phenomena...
In traditional Chinese medicine, form and spirit refer to the physical structure and vital essence of the human body, and...
Daoism holds that Qi is the source of the life force and the material foundation of life.The classic Daoist practice...
Over two millennia ago, traditional Chinese medicine borrowed extensively from the philosophical discourse of the time in an attempt to...
How may the Dao be grasped?Laozi advocated the precepts of"Serenity and Nonaction"and"Let Nature take its course."He taught that by accepting...
According to Laozi,the Dao(the Way)is the source of the universe and all natural law.The Neijing further applied this concept to...
Daoism originated during the same period of Chinese history as Confucianism. However, the two philosophies differ significantly. Daoist ideas about...
A passage from the Confucian classic Lji(Book of Rites): Quli states,"One should not take the medicineof a physician who is...
Teachings on Health and Longevity Confucianism holds that the human desires for food and sex are fundamental aspects of life.They...
According to ancient Chinese philosophy and Confucianism, the universe is composed of myriad elements. Despite the constantly changing relationship among...
Lunyu:Yao Yue(The Analects:The Sayings of Emperor Yao)by Confucius contains the following legend.When the sage emperor Yao was on his deathbed,he...
One of the most significant and enduring products of the merging of Confucianism and traditional Chinese medicine was the phenomenon...
One of the principal tenants of Confucianism is the concept of ren (benevolence). The concept of benevolence is central to...
The Confucian school of thought was founded by Kongzi (Confucius) (551-479 BC) during China’s late Spring and Autumn Period (770-476...
Shennong Bencao Jing (Shennong’s Classic of Herbal Medicine) and Shanghan Zabing Lun (Treatise on Cold Damage and Miscellaneous Disorders), compiled...
The Spring and Autumn-Warring States period(770-221 BC)was a time of constantly shifting power in China, as the feudallords of the many...
Decoctions are a type of traditional Chinese remedy made by boiling various substan ces, pctin. Legend has it that the...
Magic and Medicine In the primitive society in which medicine first started to emerge, early humans had little control over...
Fuxi is another legendary ancestor of the Chinese people, said to be one of the originators of traditional Chinese medicine....
Traditional Chinese remedies include various types of animal, vegetable, and mineral substances. However, the majority are made from plant products....