Ayding Lake in xinjiang
2 min readTurpan Basin is the lowest basin in China surrounded by bogda Mountain in the north Kare wucheng Mountain in the west, Juoluotag Mountain in the south, and Kumtag Mountain in the southeast with a total area of 50. 147km, accounting for more than 80% of the total area of the Turpan region, among which an area of 4, 050km”is below sea level. Ayding Lake is located in the south of the hinterland of the basin.

Jueluowan by the ancient poets and literary men. But the imaginative Uygur call ited Ayding Lake is located in the north slope of the Juoluotag Mountain, and was calle Aydingkol”, which means Moonlight Lake or Moon Lake, for it is exactly like the moon Ayding lake is the lowest land point in China at 155m below sea level, and the second lowest land point on Earth after the Dead Sea(391m below sea level) in Jordan. It is an inland saltwater lake belonging to an inheriting lake of the Quaternary period formed 249 million years ago from the formation of an orogeny of the Himalayas, and it is as old as Qarhan Salt Lake in Qaidam Basin in Qingha.
Ayding lake is a salt lake with a high salinity, containing the main minerals of halite, mirabilite, and anhydrous mirabilite, and the secondary minerals of gypsum, and calcium mirabilite and so on the salt and mirabilite reserves reach over 300 million ton so the lake is a rare chemical industrial raw material base.

Ayding Lake is mainly supplied by the Alagou River formed by the melting water of the 42 modern glaciers on Karawucheng Mountains in the west, and Poplar Ditch River, Big Bank River, Talang Ditch River and other four rivers formed by the melting water of the 183 modern glaciers on the southern slope of Bogda Mountain in the north, and the underflow of snow melt water from the Tianshan mountains gushes at the northern rim of the basin.
Hundreds of millions of years ago, it was an inland sea with an area of 50,000kmwhich was quite beautiful and attractive with rippling waves, and the surroundin mountains. As time goes by, it has changed a lot. The area decreases rapidly, and the lake basin has become a barren salt marsh. The climate there is extremely dry, and the lake landscape is extremely desolate; the salt crust has developed uniquely, forming an uncultivated and spectacular original picture, which has a special attraction for tourists.