Big Wild Goose Pagoda
2 min readThe top of the pagoda takes the shape of a decent and simple sacred bottle. There are wooden staircases inside the pagoda leading to the top f oor. The shape of the pagoda is grand, decent, simple, unsophisticated, stable and f rm. Each of the four sides of the pagoda’s first floor is more than 25 meters long. The base is solid and f rm. Brick arches are opened on the four s i d e s o f each floor, t h r o u g h w h i c h people can lean against the railings a n d l o o k far into the distance. The exterior of the pagoda was covered with rubbed b r i c k s when it was repaired in t h e M i n g Dynasty.

Dense-eave Pagodas and Pavilion-shaped Pagodas The Names of the Pagoda’s Different Parts
They are the two most common types of ancient Buddhist pagodas in China. The “pavilion-shaped pagoda” is similar to a pavilion and people usually can climb to every f oor of it. The “denseeave pagoda” has overlapping and dense eaves and the space between every two eaves is much smaller than the ordinary floor. Thus people cannot climb the pagoda f oor by f oor.

The Names of the Pagoda’s Different Parts
A pagoda is fundamentally divided into three parts: the pagoda base, the pagoda body and the pagoda spire. The pagoda spire usually consists of a base, a sacred box, alternate rings and so on. The specific styles of pagoda body’s different parts vary significantly with times and locations.