Boundary and Neighbors
2 min readXinjiang borders on 8 countries, which are, in anti-clockwise order, the Republic of Mongolia, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, the Republic of Tajikistan, the Republic of Afghanistan, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the republic of India.
(1) Borders with the Republic of Mongolia

From 1982 to 1984, China and Mongolia jointly inspected their entire common boundary for the first time, signed the relevant protocol and drew the boundary map. In October 1989 the Treaty on the Boundary Regime and Handling of the Border Issues Between the People’s Republic of China and the People’s Republic of Mongolia was ratified by the two Governments and entered into force. That is the first boundary regime treaty China signed with its neighboring countries With the approval of the two Governments, in 1993, four land ports were opened at the western sector of China-Mongolia boundary, which are, Laoyemiao in Hami Region, Ulastay in Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture, and Takeshken and Hongshanzun in Altay Region.
(2) Borders with the Russian Federation
Also known as the western sector of Sino-Russian boundary, the borderline between Xinjiang of China and Russia is located in the Altay Region in the north and runs about 55 kilometers. The two countries signed the agreement on the western sector in September 1994.
(3) Borders with the Republic of Kazakhstan
The boundary between China and Kazakhstan lies in the west of Xin jiang and has a length of over 1, 700 kilometers from the converging point of China, Russia and Kazakhstanin the north to the joining part of China, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan in the south. The two Governments signed the boundary agreement in 1993 Along the boundary, seven ports have obtained clearance from the two Governments for opening-up, among which four have now been officially opened for cargo flow. The four ports are Jeminay, Baketu, Alataw Pass and Korgas.

(4) Borders with the Republic of Kyrgyzstan
The boundary runs over 1,000 kilometers from the converging point of China, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan in the Tianshan Mountains in the north to the joining part of China, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan in the south, With the approval of the two Governments, Turugart and Irkeshtan have been designated as open land ports along the border.
(5) Borders with the Republic of Tajikistan
The boundary between Xinjiang of China and Tajikistan is about 450 kilometers long.
(6) Borders with the Republic of Afghanistan

The boundary is 92 45 kilometers long a boundary treaty was signed between the Chinese and afghan governments between 1963 and 1965.
(7) Borders with the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
The boundary at this section totals 599. 1 kilometers. a boundary treaty was signedbetween the Chinese and Pakistani Governments in 1963. Khunjerab land port has been opened with the approval of the two Governments.
(8) Borders with the Republic of India
The boundary at this section runs about 200 kilometers Due to historical reasons, the boundary has not been officially delineated vet. The traditional customary line is now regarded as the dividing line.