Boundary river of China and Kazakhstan-Haba River
2 min readWhen I set foot on that foreign land, I first noticed that Kazakhstar people have many similarities in both dress and food with Xinjiang. They are kind of related. The nomadic people’s common great-heartedness, cheerful personality, generous hospitality and capability for singing and dancing, creates a common bond. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Kazakhstan became an independent country. Kazakh is the country’s main ethnic group, accounting for 64.6% of the population, who believe in Islam. The total length of border line between Kazakhstan and Xinjiang, China is 1,738km.
From an economic point of view, Kazakhstan is the first largest trading partner of Xinjiang. Their trade volume accounts for more than 70% of Xinjiang’s total volume of foreign trade. The GDP of Kazakhstan increased by 5% in 2012, which was slightly lower than its growth level of 7.5% in 2011. Kazakhstan is the granary of Central Asia and it maintains its rapid development mainly by exporting oil and natural gas, which has become its economic backbone. Politically, Kazakhstan is presidential republic under the authoritarian system. State power exercises its functions on the basis of its constitution laws, according to the principles of separating legislative, judicial, and administrative powers with interaction of checks and balances. The term of the presidency is seven years. From a diplomatic point of view, China recognized Kazakhstan’s independence on December 27, 1991. They formally established diplomatic relations on January 3, 1992. Then in July of 2005, both countries established strategic partnerships. China is one of Kazakhstan’s priorities regarding foreign policy. In addition, Kazakhstan is a member country in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the World Trade Organization.