1 min readServes 4.
Preparation & cooking time: 10–15 mins & soaking time for mushrooms.
The Chinese name for this dish is ‘The Twin Winters’, because both mushrooms and bamboo shoots are at their best during the winter season. Therefore you should really use ‘Winter Bamboo Shoots’ and ‘extra fat’ mushrooms.

50g (2oz) dried Chinese mushrooms
225–275g (8–10oz) winter bamboo shoots
3 tablespoons seasoned oil
1–2 spring onions, cut into short sections
2 tablespoons light soy sauce or oyster sauce
1 tablespoon Chinese rice wine
½ teaspoon soft brown sugar
2 teaspoons thin cornflour paste
a few drops of sesame oil

Soak the mushrooms in warm water for at least 1 hour, squeeze dry and discard any hard stalks (but reserve the water). Cut them in half or quarter if large, leave whole if small.
Drain and rinse the bamboo shoots, cut them into small wedge-shape chunks.
Heat the oil in a preheated wok, add the spring onions and stir-fry with the mushrooms and bamboo shoots for about 1 minute, add the soy sauce or oyster sauce, wine and sugar with about 2–3 tablespoons of the mushroom- soaking water, blend well and bring to the boil; braise for another minute orso, then thicken the gravy with the cornflour paste. Garnish with the sesame oil and serve.