1 min readServes 4 as a side dish.
Preparation & cooking time: 10–15 mins. Some Cantonese restaurants use only the stalks of the broccoli for this dish because of their crunchy texture, which is a pity as the spears also have a distinct texture and flavour.

275–350g (10–12oz) broccoli
3–4 tablespoons seasoned oil
a few small bits fresh ginger root
¼ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon soft brown sugar
2 tablespoons stock or water
1–2 tablespoons oyster sauce
Preparing the broccoli.

Cut the broccoli spears into small florets; peel off the rough skin from the stalks, and diagonally cut into diamond-shaped chunks.
Heat the oil in a preheated wok until hot, add the bits of ginger and salt(adding salt at this early stage gives the green broccoli an extra bright colour), stir a few times, then add the broccoli, stir-fry for about 2 minutes; now add the sugar and stock or water, blend well and continue stirring for another minute at the most. Pour the oyster sauce over the broccoli, mix and toss once more, then serve hot.