Ganzhou Economic and Technical Development Zone covers an area of 136 square kilometers and stands by the centre of Ganzhou...
By now there are sixteen industrial zones in Ganzhou, including Ganzhou Economic and Technical Development Zone, Shahe Industrial Zone, Gan...
Out of the history, the river and time flow! By the river, the city and civilization grow! Joined by streams...
In the north of Ganzhou is the Bajing Pavilion, which is the symbol of the city and lies at the...
Mount Sanbai, referring to all the peaks on-the southeastern border of Anyuan County, Jiangxi Province, is an area where the...
A Tour of the Red Onetime Capital Ruijin is on the upper reaches of Gongshui River, situated in the southeast...
Ganzhou is such a city that has many places of historic interest and wonderful natural landscapes.But if you leave Ganzhou...
Ganzhou is on the upper reaches of Ganjiang River and lies in the south of Jiangxi Province.It is a city...
Located on the upper reaches of Ganjiang River in the south of Jiangxi Province, Ganzhou is also called Gannan. First...