Changchun’s Film City
2 min readTook a trip down to the movie city on Red Flag Street the other day,if only to satisfy my own curiosity as I pass this place every day.Well,I can tell you that a more appropriate translation would be”Changchun film studios”as that’s what it actually is!Just a large,red-brick glorified warehouse with a large statue of the Chairman out front;nothing more to it.The place is pretty old and dilapidated,a shadow of its former self,but still quite an interesting place to visit-I managed to walk around the complex without buying an entrance ticket(through luck more than judgment,I just happened to walk in the wrong way),and in hindsight I don’t think it’s worth an admission fee.

If you are interested in the history of Chinese film making,particularly some of the very early TV productions,then you may find this place a gold mine of information,but otherwise,miss it.There is another place at the very edge of the city,with a similar name;Changchun Film Century City which is like a theme parkbased on films but It’s pretty expensive-over 100 Yuan each.Might go there next week.Perhaps something more worth seeing is the collection of old aeroplanes and military hardware stored in the courtyard.Most of it is left over from WWII and is Japanese or Russian made,also there’s an old Chinese fighter jet rusting away in the car park!