Fossil site
The Liaoning Chaoyang Bird Fossil National Geopark is a world unto itself covering over 2,300 sq km in area. Included in that are not only the research site, but also a large in-depth museum of some of the finest specimens found to date and known throughout the paleontology world. There is a large petrified forest springing forth agate and jade-infused stone trunks which has led to Liaoning Province having significant finds of exquisite jade sculptures throughout the centuries. Now there is even a 4D movie theater with a simulated motion journey through the life and death of the local flora and fauna complete with sprays of mist and bass-rattling speakers to provide a true-to-life experience.
The gift shop itself, without overtly trying to, quickly shows just how many fossils are found here on a regular basis. All over the world, museum gift shops have fossils for purchase, some running into exorbitant sums. Here the abundance is so high that for only a few dollars you can purchase a complete fossil”slice”and have it mounted and framed to take home. As silly as it sounds to be excited over a gift shop it is amazing to be able to pick up in your hands a real fossil, one of nature’s most amazing souvenirs. What was once a living, breathing organism was transformed into solid rock over millions of years and is now yours to hold and ponder over for millions of years to come.
Petrified trees
Archaefructus in Liaoning-the earliest plant discovered to date Flying Dragons The abundance of life represented here is astonishing. Entire ecosystems can be studied from what an animal ate to what in turn ate that particular animal. How many of the animals or plants were alive and flourishing at a single time and how different beings lived amongst each other are surprisingly visible in stunning detail. While some sites in and outside of China would celebrate finding a bone or a few segments of a fossil, the amount of complete, high quality fossils found in Liaoning are quickly becoming an anomaly that is exciting scientist from all disciplines. The discoveries keep coming and coming and are changing how we view the prehistoric world.
The one discovery that rocked the stones and bones world was the discovery of what could only be described as dinosaurs with feathers. One of the many long running battles in paleontology is whether or not modern-day birds evolved from dinosaurs,a veritable chicken and egg protestation. Volumes of research papers and doctoral dissertations can fill libraries on the subject, but the discovery of Sinornithosaurus and three other ancient dinosaurs in Liaoning added new fuel to the academic fire.
Those of us without PhDs in paleontology or Greek for that matter can easily recognize the China-connection to Sinornithosaurus, Sinosauropteryx and Sinovenator where the “Sino”prefix is an easy tell. Though not a true dinosaur in the blockbuster movie sense of the term, the Confuciusornis, another ancient specimen dominant in the fossil collections of Liaoning gets its prefix from another obvious Chinese cultural reference. In Liaoning, the dino-culture is so deep that the provincial China Basketball Association team is now called “Liaoning Dinosaurs.”
These same dinosaurs left their mark and have served to provide deep research opportunities.These fossils can be found in great abundance in Liaoning and are on display at the Chaoyang Bird Fossil National Geopark.
Chinese Sinosauropteryx-the first bird discovered to date From the abundant and garishly painted statues and animated models that fill the Liaoning Chaoyang Bird Fossil National Geopark, the Sinornithosaurus is the hero of the lot and with good reason. An extremely detailed and amazingly complete fossil of the beast showing not one but three different types of feathers was found. One of the most common speculations is although it could not fly, its feathers probably served more for warmth. Somerecent studies on the fossil are also trying to determine if the beast produced venom to go along with what appear to be fangs in its mouth, not unlike a snake. Although only about 3 feet long and weighing in at 5-10 pounds, the little dragon could have packed quite a punch.
Along with an abundance of dinosaur fossils, underneath the soil of Liaoning are forests of petrified trees which now are a great source of jade.
Equally important to the progression of the dino-bird theory are the Sinosauropteryx and Sinovenator. Sinosauropteryx was one of the first examples to be unearthed in Liaoning.
What sets this flying dragon apart is the discovery of what could have been orange and white coloring to the animal,a far cry from the typical slimy green and grey of Hollywood monsters. The Sinovenator, when found, not only exhibited more of the same feather-like remains but could be found among the fossils of other similar species alluding to a community of hunters and huntees-where this dino-drgaon feel into the food chain is still anyone’s guess.
Much remains to be studied on these flying dragons of Liaoning, but it is one of the unique aspects of the province. Where ancient culture often means a stroll along Ming Dynasty alley ways and shopping streets in some cities, the chance for the traveler to wander back thousands, even millions of years is an opportunity to take in.