1 min readPreparation & cooking time: 15 mins approx.
100-150g (4–5oz) chicken breast meat
100g (4oz) white mushrooms
2–3 egg whites, beaten
1 tablespoon thick cornflour paste
600ml (1 pint) stock
salt to taste
a dash of MSG (optional)
a few drops of sesame oil (optional)
fresh coriander leaves to garnish

Cut the chicken meat into thin slices about the size of postage stamps. Thinly slice the mushrooms. Blend the egg whites with the cornflour paste, making the mixture smooth.
Bring the stock to a rolling boil, stir in the chicken first followed by the mushrooms, return to the boil, then very slowly pour in the egg white and cornflour mixture, stirring constantly. As soon as the soup thickens, add salt, MSG, if using, and sesame oil, and serve immediately with the garnish.