chicken and parsnip soup
1 min readEach of the main ingredients in this soup-chicken, parsnip and ginger-work hard duringa long, slow simmer to a create a milky broth that is definitely more spectacular than the sum of its parts. We hope that the first sip will take you by surprise as you detect notes of honey, the second sip make you wonder why you have never had it before, and the third sip have you plan-ning the next batch.
Serves 4 chicken drumsticks (about 450 1 tbsp vegetable oil 1 thumb-sized piece ginger, peeled, halved and smashed 1 large parsnip (about 200g), cut into large chunks salt Remove and discard the skin from the chicken drumsticks then rub them all with salt. Put the drumsticks into a large pan and pour over boiling water, leave to sit for a few minutes to draw out the blood, then drain and discard the water.

2 Clean out the pan, add the oil and put over high heat. Add the ginger and fry for a minute,then
brown the drumsticks in the fragrant oil for a few minutes. Pour in 120ml water then cover imme-diately and let it bubble furiously for 2 minutes.
3 Pour in 1.5 litres boiling water, add the parsnip, cover and simmer for a further 11/2-2 hours.The soup is ready to season when the liquid has turned milky and the parsnips are starting to melt into the soup. Season with salt to taste and serve.