China’s 0nline Banking
2 min readWorldwide rapid development of e-business booms up electronic payment and onlinetransfer in which the online banking plays an important role.Electronic money,e-money for short,which was brought together with online banking,provides strong support for electronic payment with its specific online payment functions.As finalexecutant of electronic payment and balancing,online banks act as a bridge between buyers and sellers,through which the most pivotal factor and highest level in e-business e-payment service is provided.

Three periods exist in online banking development:the first is computer-aided banking management from 1950s to the late 1980s;the second is electronic banking or informationized financial from late 1980s to middle of 1990s;the third is online banking from late 1990s until now.
Till the end of 2005,number of China’s netizen has exceeded 100 million and China’s annual turnover of e-business was more than 0.68 trillion.Huge number of netizen is a guarantee for the development of China’s online banking while at the same time the large scale of e-business and online banking also mutually promote development of each other. Laws and regulations of China’s online banking are being improved continuously.

Since 1990s,with the worldwide rise of electronic bank,China’s electronic bank businesses of commercial bank developed rapidly.In order to regulate commercial banks to develop business through the Internet,PBC issued Temporary Methods of Online banking Business Management in June 2001.
Bi1l of Electronic Signature has been in enforcement since Apr 1,2005.Good online credit mechanism and fruitful net transaction channels are thus established,through which the history lack of law guarantee is ended and the development of e business and online banking is promoted.
In order to control risk of electronic bank business,CBRC issued Electronic Bank Business Management Methods and Electronic Bank security Assessment Direction in late 2005 and early 2006.Both of the two regulations began to affect since Mar1,2006.
In early 2006,Hexun introduced an activity of China online banking evaluation. 16 Chinese ma jor commercial banks were involved.Through investigating both domestic and overseas individual online banking relative functions comprehensive evaluations with an excluded index system(consisted of more than 30 indicators and more than 200 items)from three aspects public confidence indicator,platform performance indicator and business performance indicator.