China’s Mobile
2 min readChina’s Mobile Handset Manufacturers
In the first half of 2006,China all together manufactured 212 594 000 mobile handsets,increased by 64.2%compared to the same period of 2005,and 6094000 PASS(personal access phones),which decreased by 30%compared with the figure of 8 704000 in the first half of 2005.
This report specifically analyzes the output and domestic sales situation of major mobile handset manufacturers in China in the first half of 2006 and profoundly studies the financial status,production capacity,R&D strategies and organization structure of those manufacturers.It is the best choice for mobile handset manufacturers and investors all over the world to have a strong knowledge of China’s mobile handset market.

China’s Mobile Phone Battery Industry Report
As energy source,battery is one of the most important accessories for mobilephones.Nowadays,Ni-Cd battery,which born in black-white display mobile phone generation,has exited the market,and NI-MH battery also has little demand.The color display generation leads to wide application of Li-ion battery(Li-ion),which includes lithium ion battery(LIB)and lithium ion polymer battery(LIP).As the most demanded battery,Li-ion covers 80%of the market share,while that of NI-MH battery only covers 20%.Moreover,the new generation of LIP is becoming more and more popular for its advantages and with a market share of 12%~14%.

After several years’development,the global Li-ion battery industry has been monopolized evenly by China,Japan and South Korea.This pattern will last for quite a long time since each of the three countries has its own characteristics an advantages.In recent years,China has made great achievements in Li-ion battery industrialization.It has formed a complete industry chain from upstream products. raw material manufacturing,equipment manufacturing,battery processing,export trade and downstream products.According to Research In China,the number of Li-iobattery manufacturers has exceeded 100 in China,among which Shenzhen BYD,BAK and Tianjin Lishen have became the major battery manufacturers worldwide,with an annua output over 600 million units.As a large consumption country of Li-ion battery,as well as abundant labor force and raw materials,China has became the fina destination for multinational Li-ion battery manufacturers,such as Sony,Panasonic,and Sanyo,etc.Consequently,China has developed to be an important global Li-ion battery production base.
By 2006,color display phone has dominated the market.Along with frequent appearance of camera phone and multimedia phone,functions of photo shooting,receiving and sending multimedia messages,and downloading high-capacity games are used more and more often.However,in facing with more powerful 3G mobile phones,battery capacity is obviously insufficient.Mobile phone battery tends to be lighter,thinner and higher capacity.Various new battery types such as fuel cel1,Zinc-air and solar cell are under the R&D process.