Chinese and Foreign Wushu Exchange
1 min readChinese Wushu has been improved and integrated during cruel competition. It faced many tests against other exotic martial arts. In history, Chinese Wushu confronted two major challenges. Thefirst one happened in the i6th century during the Ming Dynasty when Samurais invaded China. The second one happened in the early 2oth century, when the opponents included both Samurais and Western boxers. Chinese Kungfu masters won the challengers at last, but not without recognizing the advantages of other styles of fighting and the deficiencies of Chinese Kungfu.

Since the 198os, Chinese Wushu eventually became more internationally popular, became the first target for competitors of the world fight circle. Chinese Wushu has experienced three other challenges. The first challenge was anti-invasion, and the second challenge was revenge on the “Sick Man of East Asia.”The third challenge came in the form of athletic competition on the basis of fighting fairly and politely. For the third challenge, Wushu lost no burden of history and has embraced competitive sport.