Chinese Number “0ne” and “Ten”
1 min readThe Han People worship”yi”since ancient times.They hold the belief that all things on earth comes from”yi”,because”yi”has the similar meaning with“yuan”,“shi”,“chu”,meaning“the source”.The Taoist believes that“One makes two,and two make three,and three make everything on earth.””yi”sometimes means complete.For example,“all the things”,”yi”often goes together with other words expressing “quantity”,but means”whole or complete”.For example,”with mud all over the body”,”lead a poor life the whole lifetime”.Even when”yi”goes with”little”,”smal1″or other words expressing“small amount or little quantity”,“yi”again means “whole,complete”.For example,”not soiled by a speck of dust”,”not be the least negligent”,etc.

According to the latest Chinese dictionary,the collocated expressions beginning with the word“yi”has a list of more than 640 entries.
Chinese Number“Ten”
Today“ten”is often used to sum up the work of a year.For example,“Ten Best Singers of the Year”,”Ten Best National Sport Star of the Year””Ten Most Important National News in 2004″,and”Ten Most Important World News in 2004″,etc.When the new China was founded in 1949,there was“a 10-year anniversary celebration”for the founding of the nation in 1959,which was”big and grand”.

The Han people do thingsin that way because they like round number and round figure,which in their minds means“perfect and satisfaction”.