Chinese porcelain
2 min readBy now, readers have been already deeply impressed by the greatness and profundity of porce-lain production and porcelain cul-ture in China. While pottery reflects the collective wisdom of the world, porcelain is more an exclusive treasure of Chinese people. This dainty art creation was destined to take root and prosper on the landat the moment the first ware took shape in the kiln.

Through the his-tory, porcelain has been specially favored by people from all walks of life, be them learned scholars and literati, high-ranking officials and nobles, or unknown craftsman. All of them had their own unique in-sights into porcelain, and had hoped to solidify their aesthetic tastes and thoughts on a small piece of porcelain.
As a result, porcelain was endowed with dif-ferent characters in different times: ele-gance and purity of the Song dynasty,boldness and unconstraint of the Yuan dynasty, and magnificence and luxury of the Ming and Qing dynasties… These colorful wares enable us to take a glimpse at the diversified features of each epoch. Moreover, besides carrying the cultures of different times, porcelain also embodies emotions and passions of an-cient Chinese people.

Each and every piece of porcelain may contain a touching story, through which we could even feel the past, appreciate people’s tastes and interests, trace their experiences at that time, and sense their sorrow and happi-ness. We are so fortunate to be able tocommunicate with our ancestors through such a means, to listen to their ideas and stories.