Chinese Potato Salad
1 min readFor extra bite, add up to y teaspoon of curry paste to the potato salad before serving.
Serves 6-8
3 tablespoons mayonnaise
11 tablespoons soy sauce
112teaspoons chopped cilantro leaves
34teaspoon hot mustard
34 teaspoon sugar
4 teaspoon plus a few drops of sesame oil
1 cup shredded napa cabbage
14 cup chopped red onion

1. Boil the potatoes and hard-boil the eggs. Drain and peel the potatoes, and cut them into bite-sized squares. Slice the hard-boiledeggs.
2. Mix together the mayonnaise, soy sauce, cilantro leaves, Hot Mustard Sauce, and sugar. Stir in the sesame oil.
3. Mix the potatoes, eggs, shredded cabbage, and chopped red onion together in a large bowl. Mixin the mayonnaise sauce. Keep in a sealed container in the refrigerator until ready to serve.