2 min readThe time when Christianity came into China is hard to tell,because in history Christianity experienced four times of entry to China and none of them was successful to take root in China.Christianity has been bitterly opposed mainly by the royal.(see Figure 33)The first began during the 7th century when Nestorianism was introduced by Middle-Eastern travelers who came to China.The second came with the Franciscan friars’mission to spread Christianity,collapsing in the 13th century.The third was the mission of the Jesuits by Matteo Ricci,who was the first representative in China.The last began in the 19th century.
Christianity was founded by Jesus Christ,who was believed to have been sent down by God from the heaven to save the world from its sins.The idea of Christianity is”Loving one another.

Figure 33 Christianity Church The three doctrines of the Christianity are”the existence of God,”the resurrection of the soulandfree will”.
Christianity Schools Protestants view the Bible as thewitness of God rather than the word of God.
Eastern Orthodox Christianity claims a direct,unbroken descent from the church of the apostles.
Roman Catholic is the most dominant Christianity school in the world,believing itself to be the true church of Jesus Christ on earth.It is headed by the pope.
Christianity Essence Christian religion is a personal relation through Christ to God.There is need“to know’about Christ,with Christ in the Christian and the Christian in Christ,in his Mystical Body,in his church.

Christianity Cross Jesus Christ was nailed on the Cross.He paid for all our sins,for all our bad karma,believers just have to appropriate this free payment by believing in Jesus Christ,and do what he ordered.
Christianity Resurrection Resurrection could make Jesus Christ Himself live in us on earth.He saved us from sins.Jesus Christ lives in us with love and joy and peace.And the love and joy and peace stay with us forever.
Christianity Ascension Jesus Christ has paid for all our sins on earth and in Heaven.With His Ascension to eternal Heaven we can live in Heaven with love and joy and peace forever.
Chiristianity Bible The Bible is a fantastic historical treasure.It has been passed down from generation to generation.Some think it a fantastic story woven over time.Others believe it to be the””Word of God?’ given to us for comfort and guidance. They believe that God speaks to us through his”Word”and thereby gives us wisdom, knowledge, and guidance in our daily lives.

Through it, we can learn many things, including how to accept God’ s gift to us.
The Bible is a continuous book, and the subject matter does not always begin or end in any given chapter. It consists of The Old Testament Books, New Testament Books, and the Psalms.