Combination of TCM theory and practice
3 min readLunyu:Yao Yue(The Analects:The Sayings of Emperor Yao)by Confucius contains the following legend.When the sage emperor Yao was on his deathbed,he named his minister Shun to be his successor.Yao advised Shun that the secret to righteous government was to seek balance and harmony when resolv-ing conflicts.When Shun later handed power over to his successor,Yu,he passed on the same advice.
Confucius summarized this precept in his philosophy of the Doctrine of the Mean.Confucius believedthat every phenomenon has two opposing aspects that exist in a state of relative balance.When ten-sion between the two sides exceeds certain restraints,this interdependence is disrupted,resulting in extreme manifestations or even a reversal of the original situation.

The goal of governance is to restore and maintain the original state of relative balance.This is accomplished by utilizing the Doctrine of the Mean to negotiate a compromise between the two extremes.Such mediation must be carried out impartially,in the spirit of moderation and cooperation.It is necessary to utilize measures that are nei-ther too lax nor too restrictive,in order to maintain order and prevent further conflict.The essence of the Doctrine of the Mean is the concept of zhonghe(Balance and Harmony).The quest for balance and harmony is a basic law of nature.
As a fundamental principle not only of Confucian-ism,but also of traditional Chinese culture and philosophy,this concept has had a profound influence on the spiritual civilization of the Chinese people.The concept of Balance and Harmony permeates the doctrines of traditional Chinese medicine,from its theoretical foundation to the clinical diagnosis,treatment,and prevention of disease.TCM’s theory of Yin and Yang,the two opposing and constantly transforming forces of the universe,embodies the Confucian Doctrine of the Mean.TCM holds that in order for complex physiological processes to func-tion normally,a balance must be maintained between Yin and Yang.If this balance is lost,it is as if there is spring with no fall,or summer with no winter.
When Yin and Yang are in a state of harmony and relative balance,human physiology functions optimally.Various factors can disrupt the harmonious functioning of Yin and Yang and lead to the onset of disease.Examples include changes in climate,excessive emotion,poor eating habits,and improper balance between work and leisure.When Yin becomes excessive,Yang declines,leading to pathological conditions associated with Yang deficiency.Conversely,when Yang becomes excessive,Yin declines,leading to pathological conditions associated with Yin deficiency.Yang is hot and Yin is cold;excessive Yang conditions are therefore characterized by fever,while excessive Yin conditions are characterized by chills.A state of pathological imbalance between Yin and Yang is also known as Yin-Yang dishar-mony.Yin-Yang disharmony manifests in the major systems of the body,including Qi,blood,fluids,and zangfu organs.Specific conditions may include disharmony between Qiand blood,spleen and stom-ach,liver and stomach,etc.Disease is a reflection of Yin-Yang disharmony,that is,a loss of relative bal-ance between Yin and Yang resulting from excessive or deficient conditions.
Principles of treatment are determined according to the specific type of pathological imbalance present.The goal is to supplement insufficiency and dispel excess,thus restoring equilibrium and harmony between Yin and Yang.When formulating herbal compounds,moderation is key.The supplementing or dispelling effects of the remedy must not be too extreme,in order to avoid damaging the body’s beneficial Qi.Herbal remedies must be customized to the specific pathology and individual condition of the patient.
Maintaining the balance of Yin and Yang is the most effective way to cultivate health and longevity.The ancients believed that in order to live a long and healthy life,it is necessary to travel,rest,sleep,read,and listen to music in moderation.People should not eat or imbibe to excess,and should notworry or grieve unduly.Only through moderation is it possible to achieve balance and harmony,and only those who live in balance and harmony can attain longevity.