2 min readCondiments are used the world over for the sole purpose of enhancing the flavors of foods. A flavor enhancer frequently associated with Chinese cuisine is monosodium glutamate (MSG)—the allergic reaction associated with an overconsumption of MSG is often referred to as “Chinese restaurant syndrome.” In actual fact, in China only poor cooks add MSG to food in order to improve their otherwise uninteresting preparations. MSG has no flavor of its own, but exerts its effect directly on human taste buds so that weexperience meats, fish, and vegetable dishes as more savory. In spite of extensive negative press in recent years, MSG has no adverse effects unless you happen to be allergic to it, suffer from arteriosclerosis or high blood pressure, or consume it in massive quantities.*2 However, although MSG may not be as bad for us as many people believe, it serves no useful health purpose either. It therefore has no place in any of the recipes described in this volume except one: Chinese chicken salad (see page 193). This hot mustard-based dish is assured an extra kick with the addition of a few grains of MSG. Many other condiments serve important therapeutic purposes.

Sweet and sour (Earth and Wood), neutral, balance of Yin and Yang
Olives nourish qi and blood. They relieve sore throat and dryness in the bronchi and lungs—keep an olive under your tongue when suffering from a sore throat. Olive counteracts alcoholism. An olive and ginger decoction will relieve dysentery and diarrhea. Green: Protein, 1.5 g; Fat, 13.5 g; Fiber, 1.2 g; Carbohydrate, 4 g; Vitamin A, 300 IU; Vitamin B1, traces; Vitamin B2, traces; Niacin, traces; Vitamin C, traces; Calcium, 87 mg; Phosphorus, 17 mg; Iron, 1.6 mg Black: Protein, 1.8 g; Fat, 21 g; Fiber, 1.5 g; Carbohydrate, 2.6 g; Vitamin A, 60 IU; Vitamin B1, traces; Vitamin B2, traces; Niacin, traces; Vitamin C, traces; Calcium, 87 mg; Phosphorus, 17 mg; Iron, 1.6 mg