Congbaohur’er,the Winner of the Most Popular Breakfast
2 min read
Select the top-quality flour to make it into the wrap of spring roll,put inside the appetizing fried bread stick and chopped green onion,flatten the spring rolls against the pan until the rolls are cooked to appear golden yellow,and then spread the sweet or spicy sauces to individual tastesthere you just make the”Congbaohui’er”,a shallot stuffed pancake local to Hangzhou.This cuisine is crispy outside with yummy stuffing,and it is quite tasty without too much negative effects to human bodies.As what the gourmands would put to comment this snack,”Congbaohui’er is a dish of appetizer that can solve the problem of hunger with limited consumption of appetite and allow the patrons to continue the rest of the feast.”

An passionate historical story is related to Congbaohui’er.It was in 1142 when the national hero Yue Fei was persecuted by the treacherous Qin Hui on the name of groundless crime.People in Hangzhou hated Qin Hui and his wife,but they couldn’t do anything to them.One day,a stall holder who sold fried stuff made two dolls of Qin Hui and his wife.He pressed the two dolls together with his rolling pin and put them into the boiling oil.He murmured”burn Qin Hui,burn Qin Hui”when the dolls were being fried.This was the origin of fried bread stick.

Later,the Wang Er Fried Pancake Shop by the Wangxian Bridge was famous for the delicious Fried Hui’er across the city,and consequently many people came to this shop for this snack.Many began to follow suit before a lot mor e shops selling Fried Hui’er emerged.Once in a while,some Fried Hui’ers that could not be soid out were kept by Wang Er.Instead,he would heat the already cold Fried Hui’er in pot,roll the stick with chopped green onions and sweet flour sauce in spring rollls, then flattened by iron plate,and cook the spring rolls on medium fire until the rolls appeared golden yellow.The spring rolls were cooked to let some steam out and to smell really good while they were creaking in the hot oil.When one picks one up and tastes it,the flavor of green onion will be really palatable.As time passed, Congbaohui’er,this kind of shallot stuffed pancake is continuously preserved till today and becomes the most popular breakfast in Hangzhou.