Cooking Methods of Chinese Cuisine
2 min readA nation with a long history must also have a long “eating”tradition.This”eating”tradition-or culinary culture,if your’re being refined-is an important part of Chinese culture.Archaeological discoveries,as early as 6,000 or 7,000 years ago,reveal tableware such as bowls,plates,pots,tanks in China,and main seasonings as wel1,such as soy sauce,vinegar and wine.By the Zhou Dynasty,cooking methods like fry,roast,saute,simmer,stew,braise and ragout,etc.had already become mature.

There are dozens of Chinese cooking methods,such as mix,stir-fry,steam,boil,pan-fry,fry,simmer,quick fry with seasoning,braise,stew,grill,preserve in salt,preserve in sauce,etc.And each of them can be divided and categorized even further.

“Mix”is a method that first cuts the ingredients into shreds,strips,slices and dices,then adds seasoning;then mix them to uniformity with sugar,or sesame paste.Most cold dishes are mixed dishes,such as Tomato slices with sugar and Indian lettuce with sauce.
In the process of”Fry”,we put the ingredients into a great deal of hot oil,cooking the food in a short time through the high temperature of oil.It can be divided into Qingzha(fried without sauce),Ganzha(fried with little water),Ruanzha(soft fried),Suzha(fluffy fried),Cuizha(crispy fried),Youjin(immersein oi1),Youlin(bathe in oi1),etc,and includes dishes such as Soft-fried shrimp with egg and Fluffy-fried drumsticks.

“Bao”means putting the ingredients into hot oil,hot sauce or hot soup,stir-frying it quickly in a short time.It can be classified into oil-frying,scallion-frying,and sauce-frying.
“Roast”involves putting the ingredients in an oven or on a grill network,and cooking by heat radiation.Dishes include dry roast,raw roast,and carbon roast,such as roast duck and roast gigot.

Through thousands of years of accumulation,cooking technique is getting increasingly exquisite and forms a wide variety of cuisines and flavors.Accordingto incomplete statistics,the country now has more than 10,000 kinds of dishes.Thefamous Qing Dynasty palace banquet Man Han Banquet displayed more than 120 dishes for each table,including both hot and cold dishes.It shows the profound culinary culture in China.