Serves 12–14 as a starter, or 4–6 as a main course.
Preparation & cooking time: 45–50 mins & marinating & cooling time.
Like the ‘Smoked’ Fish, the chicken is not actually smoked.
It is not necessary to cook a whole chicken for this dish – use two half or four quarter portions, or at least 14 drumsticks if you prefer.
1 whole chicken, about 1.35kg (31b)
about 1.2 litres (2 pints) ‘Master Gravy’
2 tablespoons maltose or honey, dissolved with
3–4 tablespoons rice vinegar
oil for deep-frying
lettuce leaves to garnish
Clean the chicken well. Bring the ‘Master Gravy’ to a rolling boil and immerse the bird in it and simmer under cover for 25–30 minutes. Remove and brush it all over with the maltose or honey and vinegar solution while still hot, then hang it up to dry in a cool and airy place for at least 2–3 hours.
Deep-fry the chicken in hot oil (190°C/375°F) for 4–5 minutes or until golden brown, turning over constantly. Remove and drain.
To serve: chop the chicken through the bone and arrange neatly on a bed of lettuce leaves.