deep-fried ice cream
2 min readThe most joyous thing about this pudding is that in principle it reads like the ultimate oxy-moron: a frozen dessert thrown into roaring hot oil. The cheow(crispy)coating is incredibly houng (fragrant)whether you opt for a cornflake crust that tastes of honey or a nutty sesame crust. Prepare your globes in advance so they are seriously frozen at the time of frying.

Makes 61 litre good-quality ice cream, flavour of choice 1 egg 1 tsp full-fat milk vegetable oil, for deep-frying for the cornflake variation 80g cornflakes, crushed into medium crumbs 80g fine breadcrumbs for the sesame seed variation 60g sesame seeds 180g fine dried breadcrumbs 1 Prepare the ice cream globes the night before. Quickly scoop out six tennis ball-sized globes ofice and arrange them on a baking sheet. Cover with cling film and re-freeze for at least 2 hours.
2 Combine the ingredients for either the cornflake or sesame seed variation in bowl. Beat the egg and milk together in a shallow bowl.
3 Work on one globe at a time, leaving the others in the freezer. Use a rubber spatula to wedge the globe off the sheet and, working quickly pop the globe into the dry coating mix. Use your hands to quickly pat the coating all over the globe, roll it in the egg-milk mixture then the dry mixture until the globe is completely covered. Toss it gently between your hands for a few seconds in the same way that you would toss a tennis ball-this will help shape it into a sphere. Return the coated globe to the freezer and repeat with the remaining globes. Freeze the globes overnight.

4 Heat enough oil for deep-frying in a large saucepan until you can see wisps of smoke rising from the surface. If using deep-fryer-, set the temperature to180°c/350f. Nestle one globe in metal slot-nint ted spoon and carefully lower it into the oil. Use spoon to keep the globe spinning in the oil for about seconds until he coating golden brown then emove and eave o drain on plate ined with kitchen paper. Serve immediately because, well… ice cream melts!