Derge Tibetan opera
2 min readTibetan opera “is content with the state of the universe and pities the fate of humankind”and it is the feeling and style that founded its cultural wisdom. The optimistic color and recreational sentiment, the compassionate feelings and the sense of urgency were not mutually repellent and separated, but closely connected and complementary in Tibetan opera. It is inspired from reality and aesthetic and recreational needs, full of entertaining spirit and retains an optimistic spirit and sentiment in the exchange with the general public by means of the artistic creation.

Although Tibetan opera has rich Buddhism cultural elements and color, it has always been based on local folk culture. It enjoys a wide base of tradition and represents a thick reality of concern, directly related to the realization of the real perceptual concern from typical worldly wisdom, guiding people to a realm of transcendence. This “transcendence”points to some mysterious religious realm and is directly related to the reality of people’s perceptual value. Therefore this poetic wisdom of Tibetan operais not only transcendent, mysterious and pointing to the other world, but also directs to the sustenance and enjoyment of real life, and the sentimental expectation and intoxication of the general public.

Although folk wisdom was not that refined from the very beginning, it normally had the flexibility of poetic wisdom and thus was improved onthis basis. Based on worldly folk culture, Tibetan opera has been deeply influenced by primitive shamanism and Bon religious cultures, and expressly pursued the ultimate concern of Tibetan Buddhism. Tibetan opera cannot be separated from its source of folk culture. Even with the tendency toward the royal court and literati in the later stages, it still has strong original characteristics.