Do you know the story of Chang’e,who flies to the moon?
2 min readYi,the hero who shot down the nine of the suns,went to Mt.Kunlun where he got some elixir from the Queen of the West and brought it back home.Unexpectedly his wife Chang’e ate it without his permission.Afterwards shefelt herself light-footed as if she were floating on air.Gradually she couldn’t help but fly up to the sky,and eventually she landed on the moon,where she lived forever.Because the moon was cold and lonesome,she was always homesick for her past life on the earth.

Do you know the story about Kuafu who ran after the sun?
A long time ago,there was a tall man whose name was Kuafu and who lived on a mountain.Every day he saw the sun rise in the east,travel across the sky,and then go down in the west.Kuafu wished to chase the sun and visit the place where the sun hid itself in the west.So he started racing after the sun.

He ran very fast and succeeded to approaching the sun.But the closer he got,the more he became eagerly desirous for water to drink.He looked round and saw the two rivers-Huanghe and Weihe .He plunged into the rivers and soon devoured all the water.Afterwards Kuafu was still thirsty.He started to run northwards in hope to reach the Great Lake and drink more.Unfortunately,he died of thirst on the way.The cane he left became a forest of peach trees.