Dress Code in China
2 min readDifferent countries have different dress codes.The same point is that you should wear suitably.As we know,the westerners are particular about clothes wearing.On different occasions,they wear different clothes.These occasions can be specified and include edding,party,church,holyaay,business,office and recraation and so n Similarly,Chinese people pay much attention to their suit.As China is a very traditional oriental nation,it attaches much importance on etiouettes.Take dress wearing for an example.They think to respect others and esteen themselves,they should wear decentdress.So,it’s infreouent to see Chinese girls in the very low dress in public.Wearing like that is a great challenge for them indeed.

As a foreign torist who is getting around the coastal cities of China,you willseldom see bikin irls on the seashore.In many aspects,the easterners are more conservative than the westerners.Therefore,if you are a western lady,you are suggested to wear kind of conservative swimming dress.Otherwise,you will become a very eye-catching icon among the people.

In addition,Chinese people like red color very much.At festivals or great ceremonies,they prefer to wear red clothing.Even if some people don’t like red,they also choose brightly-colored clothes.In their mind,red symbolizes luck and fortune;only bright colors can match the atmosphere of festivals.
If you are going to visit a Chinese family,please don’t worry about your clothing.Although Chinese people value various etiquettes,they are not very fussy about their guests’clothes.Plain clothes are also acceptable.