Education for Children and The Law of Compulsory Education
1 min readEducation for Children
The Chinese Government always gives pride of place to children’s education in the promotion of education in general.Thanks to the mutual efforts made by the government and society,children’s education in Chinahas seen great progress in the past few years,with many indexes higher than those of other developing countries and some indexes close to those of developed countries.

The Law of Compulsory Education
This law calls for each child to have nine years of formal education.To meet this requirement,a child will attend either five years of elementary education,followed by four years of junior middle school,or six years of elementary education,followed by three years of junior middle school.Today in China,the second system,or“6-3″system is the more commonplace.
While the Compulsory Education Law calls for each child to have nine years of formal schooling,it is recognized that certain realities prevent this I87 nine year standard to be implemented immediately.Therefore,a provision of the Education Law is that China shall be divided into three categories:cities and economically developed areas,towns and villages with medium development,and economically backward areas.In the first two categories,the nine-year standard has,in most cases,become universal.