Encouraging Women to Start Business and Become Re employed
2 min readBrief Introduction
The state has made the guarantee of equal employment opportunities between women and men and the sharing of economic resources and results of social development the top priority for the advancement of gender equality and the development of women,and has worked out and adopted a series of policies and measures to ensure that women can equally participate in the economic development,enjoy equal access to economic resources and effective services,enhance their self-developmenf ability and improve their social and economic status.

Encouraging Women to Start Business and Become Re-employed
Employment is the basis of people’s livelihood and the basic economic resource that women rely on for subsistence.Over the past few years,the Chinese government has formulated and carried out supportive policies to encourage women to start businesses on their own initiative,and give them preferential treatment when granting employment training subsidies andsmall-sum guaranteed loans and conducting tax reduction and exemption.
In the meantime,governments at all levels have adopted many favorable policies toward women,such as creating public-welfare jobs,opening employment service centers,sponsoring special recruitment activities and vocational training courses,monitoring sex discrimination against women in employment and help women,especially laid-off women,to find new iobs.With the support of the government,women’s federations at variouslevels,trade unions and other NGOs have conducted their work regarding the employment and re-employment of women in a creative way.During the period from 1998 to 2003,women’s federations nationwide endeavored to get small-sum credit loans to directly aid a total of 2.5 million women to get re-employed.Over the past decade,the number and ratio of women employed have remained fairly high.By the end of 2004,the number of both urban and rural women workers reached 337 million nationwide,accounting for 44.8 percent of the total employed;and the number of women workers in urban work units stood at 42.27 million,accounting for 38.1percent of the national total.