Flexibility and diversity
1 min readTibetan opera also features high flexibility and great diversity. Its story structure, dimension and time mode are based on the combination of points and lines. In rehearsal, the opera master is actually the screenwriter, director and performer as well, normally “Jialu”or “Wenba”as acting the narration role in the opera. Depending on his experience, passion and creativity and reaction from audience, some scenes are either explained or simply omitted; some scenarios are highlighted by performance. Those that do not augur well with his plans in the whole program or aesthetic requirements are revamped by creating new scenarios and performing forms, including employing special techniques and skills, or are reduced or deleted completely. In the performance, the narrator can make flexible changes. When the time permits and upon request by the audience, theopera is performed for two or three days, which is common for large operas. Or it can be performed by selecting several wonderful sections that can basically interpret the main story,a sub-section of the opera, equivalent to”Zhezixi(selected section),”which takes one to two hours.