Folk House in Anhui
3 min readIn Huizhou of southern Anhui, many of the ancient Ming and Qing residential buildings still exist. They are not only beautiful, but also reflect various aspects of traditional cultural life. Chengzhi Hall is located in Hongcun, Yi County, Anhui, which is a masterpiece folk house in Anhui. The entire building consists of big gate, middle gate, front hall (Chengzhi Hall), east and west wing rooms, Tunyun Hall, Paishan Pavilion, book hall, Guanyu Hall, corridor , garden, pond, kitchen, servant rooms, stables and other auxiliary rooms. It forms lar gescale residential pattern of nine patio and seven pavilions in left, middle and right axes. In Chengzhi Hall, gold-plated wood carving is especially beautiful. The themes include “off cial feast”, ” f sherman, woodman, farmer and scholar”, “North and South Fortuna Gods”, “Good Fortune, Prosperity , Longevity and Happiness”, “100 children celebrate Lantern festival” and “Romance of the Three Kingdoms”.
Horsehead wall is a horsehead-shaped fire sealing gable. Its original function was merely blocking the spread of f re in the dense houses. Later, horsehead wall gradually becomes the typical decoration of folk house in Anhui. In Chengzhi Hall, horsehead wall looks typical ladderlike with patchwork of black tile and white wall. This seems as freehand painting which radiates elegant charm.

Architectural decoration of folk house in Anhui
The most important feature of folk house in Huizhou is exquisite wood carving decorated on building. At the same time, brick carving and stone carving are also wonderful. Tire engraved decorations are commonly used in beams, columns, eave mouths, railings, entrance screen walls, etc. The ripe and smooth knife skills show plump, gorgeous style without cumbersome parts.
Structure of folk house in Anhui
In the plane, folk house in Anhui has compound layout, but the houses at various sides are storeyed buildings. Obverse room, wing room and high wall surround the compound to form the patio. The structural form is very f exible. Except the column location on gable wall from top to bottom, indoor columns are often dislocated to flexibly and freely divide the spaces for satisfying different needs.

Overall layout of folk house in Anhui Structure of folk house in Anhui Architectural decoration of folk house in Anhui
The most important feature of folk house in Huizhou is exquisite wood carving decorated on building. At the same time, brick carving and stone carving are also wonderful. Tire engraved decorations are commonly used in beams, columns, eave mouths, railings, entrance screen walls, etc. The ripe and smooth knife skills show plump, gorgeous style without cumbersome parts. In Huizhou of southern Anhui, many folk houses pay attention to overall layout. For villages, ancestral halls, temples, waterways, entrances, house directions and tendency are emphasized. In addition to focus on natural environment, folk house in Anhui especially demonstrates humanistic connotation and establishes traditional ethics. For example, seven archways in commendation of chastity , f lial piety and merits tower in Tangyue Village, which arrange in a row to form a winding spatial sequence with profound cultural connotation. When visitors walk on these archways, they can give retrospect to the long history.