Food and Restaurants
2 min readHarbin’s fare is suited to the people who live there: simple, solid and warming. There are plenty of meat-sticks-on-(rou chuan肉串 restaurants, as well as Mongolian lamb hotpo (huoguo) from their northwestern- neighbors. Dumplings(jidozi) are also hugely popular and there are a number of chains around the city serving them up with countless imaginative fillings. But unique to China, it’s the foreign cuisine that’s best sampled in Harbin. Russian and Russian influenced Western restaurants will lead you to the most surprising tastes. A side of European-style smoked pork sausages (roulian hongchang ) washed down with Harbin Beer(ha”er bin pijiu or hapi) or even some chilled vodka is a great way to fill up and keep warm. For beer enthusiasts, there’s qiulin damianbao, gigantic circular bread baked with crispy crust. It uses beer yeast, which gives it a slight beer flavor. The number of lanterns outside restaurants

283 Yiman Jie, Nangang District
Daquan BBQ

Jiaoyuyuan Xiaoqu, Caoshi Jie, Daowai District
Huamei Xi Canting

Established in 1925, it’s the most famous Russian-influenced Western restaurant in the
city. Its signature fish dish is kao naizhi guiyu
112 Zhongyang Dajie
11am to 9pm
Lao Duyichu

Established in 1929, specializes in dumplings, and has over 26 kinds of fillings on offer.
25 Xi Shisandao Jie, Daoli District
10am to 9pm
Maomao Chunbing
161 Guogeli Dajie, Nangang District
Poterman Western Restaurant
12 Xidazhi Jie, Nangang District
Who cares if it’s-22F (-30C).
Xiangcun Dayuan

Specializes in northern farm style dishes such as a fish-head dish called jinguo yutou and spareribs called fengshou paigu
13 Dashun Jie, Nangang District
9am to 12pm