Food in China
2 min readChina’s cuisine has evolved into one of the great cuisines of the world. For more than 5, 000 years, food has played an auspicious role in nearly all aspects of Chinese society,The overall importance of food in China can’t be understated; upon greeting, Westerners ill ask if you’ ve eaten.

Rich in scenic beauty, China’s geography spans a wide spectrum from fertile plains to high mountains. Its climate is also extremely broad in scope, ranging from sub-arctic to subtropical with ever etween. This combination of varied geography, climate and sheer land size produces an extraordinary cornucopia of fruit, vegetables, meats and cuisines of the world Emphasis on the freshness, flavor and texture of ingredients is the key to fine Chinese cooking. To get the most out of even simple ingredients, a variety of techniques is used to highlight and accent food qualities Quick cooking with a wok and deep-frying are universal to most styles of cooking in China. You’ll also find other cooking methods such as steaming, roasting, barbecuing, stewing, poaching and braising used extensively.

Many of the coastal and border regions of China have adopted outside influences into their cuisine. In general, the farther south you travel the more tropical the weather,affording better growing conditions, and the lighter and more refined the food tends to be.

With harsh winters and short growing conditions, northern and western regions tend to offer much heartier cuisine. Traders, missionari and invading peoples have all had their influence in how gastronomy has evolved in various regions. New World foods such as tomatoes and corn are now common ingredients throughout China; in Hong Kong you’ll find the use of mayonnaise; and chilies have directly influenced an entire genre of food from an. In ancientven today, those living in the remote areas didn’t travel extensively and there have been few outside influences from other cultures. The foods they eat and their cooking, essentially their entire way of life, has been insulated and has mained the same for countless generations. If you visit these remote places, you’ll have rema fascinating opportunity to have a taste of ancient history.