Food Restaurants
1 min readIn 2003, enthusiastic eaters could choose from among 40,000 registered restaurants, a 5, 000% increase from 1976. These restaurants range from cheap noodle shops to luxury banquet halls, and thanks to rising incomes, curiosity about new flavors and the influx of migrants from other parts of China and beyond, Beijing’s restaurants offer a nearly endless variety of local, regional and international cuisines. In short, Beijing is one of the gourmet capitals of the world Beijing’s signature dish is Peking duckBeijing kaoya) After short life of hearty feedings, the fowl is killed, plucked, inflated (to separate the skin from the heated by a fire made of fragrant wood or roasted over an open flame. A waiter presents the meat. These tasty tidbits are eaten rolled up in steamed pancakes along with scallions, cucumbers and a sweet brown sauce. A soup made from the duck’s bones follows the main course.

One of the great pleasures of visiting Beijing is that, in addition to local dishes like Peking duck, you can eat succulent specialties from around China.

Listed below are some of Beijing’s best Chinese and foreign restaurants. You’ll find far more restaurant reviews in local English-language magazines. Most Chinese restaurants don’t have English menus, so bring a Mandarin phrasebook or glance at what your neighbors are eating and order the same. is still China’s favorite dri Tea is still China’s favorite drink.

Most restaurants take reservations, and credits cards.